Exhibit 4.8

As of [February 12], 2020, Gulfport Energy Corporation, a Delaware corporation (“Gulfport”), had one class of securities registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended: common stock, par value $0.01 per share (“common stock”). 下面包含了我们的普通股的描述以及一些相关的附加信息. This description is a summary only and does not purport to be complete. 我们鼓励您阅读格尔夫波特重述的公司注册证书(“公司注册证书”)以及经修订和重述的章程(“章程”)的全文。, which we have filed or incorporated by reference as exhibits to Gulfport’s Annual Report on Form 10-K. References to “we,” “our” and “us” refer to Gulfport, unless the context otherwise requires. 除非上下文另有要求,“股东”指的体育平台是我们普通股的持有者.
Pursuant to the certificate of incorporation, we have the authority to issue 205,000,000 shares of capital stock, consisting of 200,000,000 shares of our common stock and 5,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.01 per share.
Common Stock
本公司普通股的持有人有权就提交股东投票表决的每项事项,就所持有的每一股股票投一票. There is no cumulative voting for election of directors. 以不时发行的任何系列优先股的优先权利为准, if any, holders of our common stock are entitled to receive ratably dividends when, as and if declared by the board of directors out of funds legally available for such purpose and, upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the company, 体育平台是否有权按比例分享在支付负债、支付应计股息和优先股清算优先权后剩余的所有资产, if any. There are no redemption or sinking fund provisions that are applicable to our common stock. Subject only to the requirements of the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”), the board of directors may issue shares of our common stock without stockholder approval, at any time and from time to time, to such persons and for such consideration as the board of directors deems appropriate. 我们普通股的持有人没有优先购买权,也没有权利将其普通股转换为任何其他证券. The outstanding common stock is validly authorized and issued, fully paid and nonassessable. Our common stock is traded on NASDAQ under the symbol “GPOR.”
Preferred Stock
优先股可根据董事会的决定,按一个或多个系列不时发行, each of said series to be distinctively designated. The voting powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional and other special rights, and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof, if any, 在任何时候,每一此类系列的优先股都可以不同于任何和所有其他系列的已发行优先股, and, subject to certain limitations of our certificate of incorporation and the DGCL, the board of directors may fix or alter, by resolution or resolutions, the designation, number, voting powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional and other special rights, and qualifications, limitations and restrictions thereof, of each such series of preferred stock.
发行任何此类优先股可能会对普通股持有人的权利产生不利影响,因此, reduce the value of the common stock. The ability of the board of directors to issue preferred stock could discourage, delay, or prevent a takeover of us.
Anti-takeover Effects of Provisions of Our Certificate of Incorporation and Our Bylaws
Our certificate of incorporation, 我们的章程和特拉华州法律包含的条款可能会阻止或使通过合并获得我们控制权的提议变得更加困难, tender offer, proxy contest or otherwise, or to remove our incumbent officers and directors. These provisions, summarized below, are expected to discourage coercive takeover practices and inadequate takeover bids. 这些规定还旨在鼓励寻求获得我们控制权的人首先与我们的董事会进行谈判. 我们认为,加强保护我们与提出不友好或不请自来的收购或重组我们的建议的人进行谈判的潜在能力的好处超过了阻止这种建议的缺点,因为对这种建议的谈判可能导致其条件的改善.
Preferred stock. 我们的公司证书允许我们的董事会授权和发行一个或多个系列的优先股, 这可能会使通过合并改变我们控制权的尝试变得更加困难或气馁, tender offer, proxy contest or otherwise. For example, if in the due exercise of its fiduciary obligations, the board of directors were to determine that a takeover proposal is not in our best interest, 董事会可能会导致优先股在未经股东批准的情况下,在一次或多次私募或其他交易中发行,这可能会稀释拟议收购者或反叛股东或股东团体的投票权或其他权利.
Stockholder meetings. 我们的章程规定,股东特别会议只能由董事长召集, 由首席执行官任命,或在没有空缺的情况下,由董事会总人数的过半数通过决议任命.
Requirements for advance notification of stockholder nominations and proposals. 我们的章程和公司注册证书就股东建议和提名董事候选人设立了事先通知程序, other than nominations made by or at the direction of the board of directors.
Stockholder Action By Written Consent. Our bylaws provide that, except as may otherwise be provided with respect to the rights of the holders of preferred stock, 本公司股东在任何年度会议或特别会议上要求或允许采取的任何行动,均不得经股东书面同意而代替股东会议, 除非经股东书面同意采取的行动,以及经董事会事先明确批准的书面同意采取的行动. This provision, 除非持有所有当时流通在外的股本中至少66% -2/3%的投票权的股东在董事选举中普遍享有投票权,否则我们的股东不得修改该条款, voting together as a single class, 使股东难以通过书面同意发起或实施董事会反对的行动.
Amendment of the bylaws. Under Delaware law, the power to adopt, amend, alter or repeal bylaws is conferred upon the stockholders. A corporation may, however, in its certificate of incorporation also confer upon the board of directors the power to adopt, amend or repeal its bylaws. Our certificate of incorporation and bylaws grant our board of directors the power to adopt, amend, 在没有空缺的情况下,在董事会的任何定期或特别会议上,经董事会总人数过半数的赞成投票,修改或废除我们的章程. Our stockholders may adopt, amend, 修改或废除公司章程,但必须在任何定期或特别股东会议上,经持有当时所有流通股中至少66% -2/3%投票权的股东在董事选举中普遍投票通过, voting together as a single class.
The provisions of our certificate of incorporation, 我们的规章制度和特拉华州的法律可以起到阻止他人恶意收购的作用, as a consequence, 它们还可以抑制普通股im体育平台官方网站价格的暂时波动,这种波动通常体育平台是由实际的或传闻的恶意收购企图引起的. These provisions may also have the effect of preventing changes in our management. 这些规定可能会使股东认为符合其最大利益的交易更难完成.
Transfer Agent and Registrar
The transfer agent and registrar for our common stock is Computershare Trust Company, N.A.