
俄克拉荷马城——(美国商业资讯)—— 体育平台 (NYSE: GPOR) (“Gulfport” or the “Company”) announced today that Gulfport Energy Operating Corporation (“Gulfport Operating”), 体育平台是格尔夫波特的全资子公司, commenced a cash tender offer (the “Tender Offer”) to purchase any and all of the outstanding senior notes (the “Notes”) listed in the following table upon the terms and conditions described in Gulfport Operating’s Offer to Purchase, 9月3日, 2024(“收购要约”).

关于Notes和美国的某些信息.S. 库务参考证券, the 彭博 reference page and the fixed spread is set forth in the table below.





U.S. 财政部




402635AQ9 (1145) /
(144A) /
402635as5 (accd inv) /


4.250% U.S.





(1) 该票据可赎回,赎回价格为100英镑.本金的0000%, plus accrued and unpaid interest, starting on May 17, 2025.

每1美元的“购买价”,有效投标的票据本金金额, 而且没有被有效地撤回, and accepted for purchase pursuant to the Tender Offer will be determined in the manner described in the Offer to Purchase by reference to the fixed spread specified above plus the yield based on the bid-side price of the U.S. 上述的库务参考证券, 正如彭博债券交易员适合3系列页面所引用的那样, 下午两点.m. 纽约时间, 9月9日, 2024, 投标要约目前计划到期的日期. 收购价格将以截至5月17日的收益率为基础, 2025, the date of the next specified redemption price reduction under the indenture governing the Notes, 假设债券在5月17日赎回, 2025, 在指定的赎回价格,该日期为100.如收购要约所述,本金的0000%.

除了购买价格之外, holders whose Notes are purchased pursuant to the Tender Offer will also receive accrued and unpaid interest thereon from the last interest payment date up to, 但不包括, the initial date on which Gulfport Operating makes payment for such Notes, 目前预计体育平台是9月13日哪一天, 2024, 假设收购要约没有延期或提前终止.

The Tender Offer is being made pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Offer to Purchase and Notice of Guaranteed Delivery, 其副本可从D .获得.F. 王 &, 招标代理和招标报价信息代理, 电话:(888)626-0988或, 银行和经纪人, (212) 269-5550. Copies of the Offer to Purchase and Notice of Guaranteed Delivery are also available at the following web address: www.国际会计.com/GPOR; or by requesting via email at GPOR@国际会计.com.

投标要约将于下午5点到期.m., 纽约时间, 9月9日, 2024,除非延长或提前终止(该时间和日期), 同样的可以延伸, “过期时间”). Tendered Notes may be withdrawn at any time before the Expiration Time. Holders of Notes must validly tender and not validly withdraw their Notes (or comply with the procedures for guaranteed delivery) before the Expiration Time to be eligible to receive the consideration for their Notes.

Settlement for all Notes tendered prior to the Expiration Time or pursuant to a Notice of Guaranteed Delivery is expected to be September 13, 2024, 假设收购要约没有延期或提前终止.

不能保证将购买任何票据. The Tender Offer is conditioned upon the satisfaction of certain conditions, including the completion of a contemporaneous debt financing (the “Debt Financing”) by Gulfport Operating on terms and conditions (including, 但不限于, the amount of proceeds raised in such financing) satisfactory to Gulfport Operating and Gulfport. The Tender Offer is not conditioned upon any minimum amount of Notes being tendered. 投标要约可以修改、延长、终止或撤回.

Gulfport Operating intends to use the net proceeds from the Debt Financing to fund the Tender Offer. Gulfport运营公司打算使用剩下的部分, 如果有任何, 债务融资的净收益, together with cash on hand and available borrowings under its credit facility, 于五月十七日或之前赎回余下的投标票据, 2025, 投标说明的议付日期, 赎回价格为100.本金的0000%, 加上应计及未付利息, 如果有任何, 到赎回日期. 待款项申请作任何赎回之用, Gulfport Operating may apply the proceeds for general corporate purposes, 包括减少其循环信贷安排下的借款, to make temporary investments in cash and short term investments or to deposit funds with the trustee for the Tender Notes sufficient to satisfy and discharge the obligations under the related indenture.

Gulfport Operating保留了J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to serve as the exclusive Dealer Manager for the Tender Offer. Questions regarding the terms of the Tender Offer may be directed to J.P. 摩根证券有限责任公司,责任管理集团,美国.S. 免费电话:(866)834-4666或付费电话(212)834-4045.

This press release is neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation of an offer to sell any Notes in the Tender Offer and does not constitute a notice of redemption for the Notes.


Gulfport is an independent natural gas-weighted exploration and production company focused on the exploration, 天然气的收购和生产, crude oil and NGL in the United States with primary focus in the Appalachia and Anadarko basins. Our principal properties are located in eastern Ohio targeting the Utica and Marcellus formations and in central Oklahoma targeting the 独家新闻 Woodford and 独家新闻 Springer formations.


This press release includes “forward-looking statements” for purposes of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, 1933年证券法第27A条, 修订的, 以及1934年证券交易法第21E条. Forward-looking statements are statements other than statements of historical fact. They include statements regarding the Debt Financing and the use of proceeds therefrom, 包括收购要约及其时间和结果. Although Gulfport believes the expectations and forecasts reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, 格尔夫波特不能保证他们会证明体育平台是正确的. They can be affected by inaccurate or changed assumptions or by known or unknown risks and uncertainties. 重要的风险, assumptions and other important factors that could cause future results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements are described under “Risk Factors” in Item 1A of Gulfport’s annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and any updates to those factors set forth in Gulfport’s subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q or current reports on Form 8-K. Gulfport undertakes no obligation to release publicly any revisions to any forward-looking statements, to report events or to report the occurrence of unanticipated events.

