Gulfport能源公司提供SCOOP Sycamore和SCOOP Woodford井成果

OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 21, 2017年(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Gulfport能源公司(纳斯达克股票代码:GPOR)(“Gulfport”或“公司”)今天提供了最近SCOOP Sycamore和SCOOP Woodford井的最新结果. Key highlights include:

  • Gulfport’s first SCOOP Sycamore well, the Serenity 5-22H, 24小时初始峰值生产速率为15.7 MMcfe per day, or 2,618 Mcfe per 1,000 foot of lateral, comprised of approximately 70% natural gas, 19% natural gas liquids and 11% oil. When normalized to the Company’s standard 7,500 foot lateral, 宁静5-22H在24小时的初始速率为19.6 MMcfe per day.
  • Woodford的一口湿气井Winham 7-22H的24小时初始峰值产量为23.4 MMcfe per day, or 4,779 Mcfe per 1,000 foot of lateral, comprised of approximately 64% natural gas, 18% natural gas liquids and 18% oil. When normalized to the Company’s standard 7,500 foot lateral, Winham 7-22H以24小时35的初始速率生产.8 MMcfe per day.

Recent Initial 24-Hour SCOOP Sycamore Well Result
Gulfport最近转向销售位于俄克拉荷马州格雷迪县南部的Sycamore井. Serenity 5- 22h的压裂侧向长度为5,980英尺,24小时初始峰值生产率为12.6 MMcf per day and 282 barrels of oil per day. 根据成分分析,产出的天然气为1143 BTU,产量为39.每百万立方英尺天然气生产2桶液化天然气,导致天然气收缩13%. 在三流的基础上,Serenity 5-22H在24小时的初始生产峰值速率为15.其中70%为天然气,19%为液化天然气,11%为石油.

Recent Initial 24-Hour SCOOP Woodford Well Result
Gulfport最近转向销售位于Grady县南部湿气窗口的Woodford井, Oklahoma. Winham 7-22H的压裂侧向长度为4,898英尺,24小时初始峰值生产率为17.3 MMcf per day and 701 barrels of oil per day. 根据成分分析,产气量为1146 BTU,产量为40 BTU.每百万立方英尺天然气使用0桶液化天然气,导致天然气收缩13%. 在三流的基础上,Winham 7-22H的24小时初始生产峰值速率为23.4 MMcfe per day, 其中约64%体育平台是天然气, 18% natural gas liquids and 18% oil.


    Phase Stimulated Wellhead NGLs % Product Mix(1) Average Prod. Rates (Mmcfepd)
   County Window  Lateral BTU Per MMcf Shrink Gas NGLs Oil 24-Hr 30-Day 60-Day 90-Day
Lauper 4-26H SE Grady Springer Oil 4,527 1,418 120.8 34 % 10 % 11 % 79 % 4.7 - - -
Serenity 5-22H S Grady Sycamore 5,980 1,143 39.2 13 % 70 % 19 % 11 % 15.7 - - -
EJ Craddock 8-28X21H Central Grady Woodford Wet Gas 7,961 1,171 47.0 16 % 55 % 19 % 26 % 19.7 17.3 16.1 -
Pauline 3-27X22H Central Grady Woodford Wet Gas 4,322 1,212 57.3 18 % 49 % 21 % 30 % 8.8 8.0 7.4 -
Pauline 4-27X22H Central Grady Woodford Wet Gas 7,978 1,212 57.3 18 % 52 % 22 % 26 % 17.3 16.1 15.0 -
Pauline 5-27X22H Central Grady Woodford Wet Gas 7,929 1,216 57.4 22 % 50 % 22 % 28 % 22.2 19.1 17.4 -
Pauline 6-27X22H Central Grady Woodford Wet Gas 7,273 1,216 57.4 22 % 50 % 22 % 28 % 22.9 19.6 17.7 -
Pauline 8-27X22H Central Grady Woodford Wet Gas 7,658 1,210 58.8 19 % 51 % 22 % 27 % 18.4 18.6 17.6 -
Vinson 2-22X27H SE Grady Woodford Wet Gas 8,539 1,118 35.7 11 % 79 % 19 % 2 % 16.5 15.7 14.4 13.4
Vinson 3R-22X27H SE Grady Woodford Wet Gas 8,475 1,118 35.7 11 % 79 % 19 % 2 % 19.0 18.7 17.3 16.3
Winham 7-22H S Grady Woodford Wet Gas 4,898 1,146 40.0 13 % 64 % 18 % 18 % 23.4 - - -
1. 利用24小时初始生产率计算产品组合.                      

About Gulfport
Gulfport Energy体育平台是一家独立的天然气和石油公司,专注于北美天然气和石油资产的勘探和开发,体育平台是美国本土最大的天然气生产商之一. Headquartered in Oklahoma City, Gulfport在俄亥俄州东部的Utica页岩和俄克拉何马州的SCOOP Woodford和SCOOP Springer区块占有重要的面积. In addition, 格尔夫波特位于路易斯安那州墨西哥湾沿岸, 通过持有Grizzly Oil Sands ULC约25%的股权,并持有Mammoth Energy Services约25%的股权,在加拿大Alberta Oil Sands占有一席之地, Inc. (NASDAQ:TUSK). For more information, please visit

Forward Looking Statements
本新闻稿包括1933年证券法第27A条所指的“前瞻性陈述”, as amended (the "Securities Act"), 以及1934年证券交易法第21E条, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). All statements, other than statements of historical facts, 包括在本新闻稿中,地址活动, 格尔夫波特预计或预计将来会或可能发生的事件或发展, 未来资本支出(包括金额和性质), 企业战略和实施战略的措施, competitive strength, goals, 格尔夫波特业务和运营的扩张和增长, plans, market conditions, references to future success, 提及有关未来事项和其他此类事项的意向均为前瞻性陈述. 这些陈述体育平台是基于格尔夫波特根据其经验和对历史趋势的看法所做的某些假设和分析, 当前状况和预期的未来发展,以及它认为在环境中适当的其他因素. However, 实际结果和发展体育平台是否符合格尔夫波特的期望和预测,受制于许多风险和不确定性, general economic, market, credit or business conditions; the opportunities (or lack thereof) that may be presented to and pursued by Gulfport; Gulfport’s ability to identify, complete and integrate acquisitions of properties and businesses; competitive actions by other oil and gas companies; changes in laws or regulations; and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Gulfport. 有关这些和其他因素的信息可以在公司提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件中找到, including its Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K. Consequently, 本新闻稿中所作的所有前瞻性陈述均受这些警示性陈述的约束,不能保证格尔夫波特预期的实际结果或发展将会实现, or even if realized, 他们会对格尔夫波特产生预期的后果或影响, its business or operations. Gulfport has no intention, and disclaims any obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future results or otherwise.

Investor & Media Contact:
Jessica Wills – Director, Investor Relations

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Source: Gulfport Energy Corporation